This Sunday, I went to rock climbing (outside door). That is so fun and I think I fall in love with it.

Thank God! You really gave us a great weather.

I achieved the top of  two rock walls. However, the third wall was very tough to me because this was my first time to do the rock climbing (that meant I am begnner, Ha!) 

During the challenge, I experienced hanging in the air as a trapeze...and trying again after I got a little strength...then hanging in the  air again... and ...the same circle just repeated.  Finally, I really had no more strength....and my arms were very tired... 

So... I did not completed it><(Next time....Yes! next time, I will do it!)

My arms are still weak@@ no strength, shaking if I use my muscle, and muscle sore. I guessed those are the beginner's sequela. 

Anyway....It is soooooooooo worthy!!!!!!



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